Documentation for ‘hetlm’ module

Documentation for the heteroskedastic linear model class.

class hetlm.model(y, X, V)[source]

Define a heteroskedastic linear model and calculate likelihood, gradients, and maximum likelihood estimates of parameters.

y : array

1D array of phenotype observations

X : array

Design matrix for the fixed mean effects.

V : array

Design matrix for the fixed variance effects.

model : hetlm.model

heteroskedastic linear model class with input data


alpha_mle(beta) Compute the maximum likelihood estimate of the fixed mean effect parameters, given particular fixed variance effect parameters and variance of random effects
alpha_ols() Compute the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimate of the fixed mean effect parameters
approx_beta_mle() Analytical approximation to the maximum likelihood estimate of the fixed variance effects
grad_beta(beta, alpha) Compute the gradient with respect to the fixed variance effects of -2*L/n-log(2*pi), where L is the log-likelihood, the function that is minimized to find the MLE
likelihood(beta, alpha[, negative]) Compute the log of the likelihood, the likelihood at the maximum likelihood for the fixed mean effects
optimize_model() Find the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the parameters and their sampling distribution.

Compute the maximum likelihood estimate of the fixed mean effect parameters, given particular fixed variance effect parameters and variance of random effects

beta : array

value of fixed variance effects

alpha : array

maximum likelihood estimate of alpha given beta


Compute the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimate of the fixed mean effect parameters

alpha : array

ordinary least-squares estimate of alpha


Analytical approximation to the maximum likelihood estimate of the fixed variance effects

beta : array

approximate MLE of beta

grad_beta(beta, alpha)[source]

Compute the gradient with respect to the fixed variance effects of -2*L/n-log(2*pi), where L is the log-likelihood, the function that is minimized to find the MLE

beta : array

value of fixed variance effects

alpha : array

value of fixed mean effects to gradient for

grad_beta : array
likelihood(beta, alpha, negative=False)[source]

Compute the log of the likelihood, the likelihood at the maximum likelihood for the fixed mean effects

alpha : array

value of fixed mean effects to compute likelihood for

beta : array

value of fixed variance effects to compute likelihood for

negative : bool

compute -2*L/n-log(2*pi), where L is the log-likelihood, the function that is minimized to find the MLE. Default is False.

L : float

log-likelihood of data given parameters.


Find the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the parameters and their sampling distribution.

optim : dict

keys: MLEs (‘alpha’, fixed mean effects; ‘beta’, fixed variance effects), their standard errors (‘alpha_se’, ‘beta_se’), covariance matrix for sampling distribution of parameter vectors (‘beta_cov’ and ‘alpha_cov’), maximum likelihood (‘likelihood’), whether optimisation was successful (‘success’),