Source code for hetlm

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

[docs]class model(object): """Define a heteroskedastic linear model and calculate likelihood, gradients, and maximum likelihood estimates of parameters. Parameters ---------- y : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` 1D array of phenotype observations X : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` Design matrix for the fixed mean effects. V : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` Design matrix for the fixed variance effects. Returns ------- model : :class:`hetlm.model` heteroskedastic linear model class with input data """ def __init__(self,y,X,V): # Get sample size self.n = X.shape[0] # Check shape of arrays if V.ndim == 2: self.n_fixed_variance = V.shape[1] elif V.ndim == 1: self.n_fixed_variance = 1 V = V.reshape((self.n, 1)) else: raise (ValueError('Incorrect dimension of Variance Covariate Array')) if X.ndim == 2: self.n_fixed_mean = X.shape[1] elif X.ndim == 1: self.n_fixed_mean = 1 X = X.reshape((self.n, 1)) else: raise (ValueError('Incorrect dimension of Mean Covariate Array')) # phenotype self.y=y # mean covariates self.X=X # variance covariates self.V=V # Compute likelihood of data given beta, alpha
[docs] def likelihood(self,beta,alpha,negative=False): """Compute the log of the likelihood, the likelihood at the maximum likelihood for the fixed mean effects Parameters ---------- alpha : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed mean effects to compute likelihood for beta : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed variance effects to compute likelihood for negative : :class:`bool` compute -2*L/n-log(2*pi), where L is the log-likelihood, the function that is minimized to find the MLE. Default is False. Returns ------- L : :class:`float` log-likelihood of data given parameters. """ Vbeta = resid = self.y - L = np.sum(Vbeta) + np.sum(np.square(resid) * np.exp(-Vbeta)) if not negative: L = -0.5*(L+self.n*np.log(2*np.pi)) return L
# Compute MLE of alpha given beta
[docs] def alpha_mle(self,beta): """Compute the maximum likelihood estimate of the fixed mean effect parameters, given particular fixed variance effect parameters and variance of random effects Parameters ---------- beta : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed variance effects Returns ------- alpha : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` maximum likelihood estimate of alpha given beta """ D_inv = np.exp( X_t_D_inv = np.transpose(self.X) * D_inv alpha = np.linalg.solve(, return alpha
# Compute gradient with respect to beta for a given beta and alpha
[docs] def grad_beta(self,beta, alpha): """Compute the gradient with respect to the fixed variance effects of -2*L/n-log(2*pi), where L is the log-likelihood, the function that is minimized to find the MLE Parameters ---------- beta : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed variance effects alpha : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed mean effects to gradient for Returns ------- grad_beta : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` """ D_inv = np.exp( resid_2 = np.square(self.y - k = 1 - resid_2 * D_inv V_scaled = np.transpose(np.transpose(self.V) * k) n1t = np.ones((1, self.X.shape[0])) return
# OLS solution for alpha
[docs] def alpha_ols(self): """Compute the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimate of the fixed mean effect parameters Returns ------- alpha : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` ordinary least-squares estimate of alpha """ # Get initial guess for alpha return np.linalg.solve(, self.X),, self.y))
# Find an approximation to the MLE of beta given alpha
[docs] def approx_beta_mle(self): """Analytical approximation to the maximum likelihood estimate of the fixed variance effects Returns ------- beta : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` approximate MLE of beta """ # Get alpha OLS alpha=self.alpha_ols() # squared residuals resid_2=np.square([0])) # RHS V_scaled=np.transpose(np.transpose(self.V)*(resid_2-1)) n1t=np.ones((1,self.X.shape[0]))[1]) # LHS V_t_scaled=np.transpose(self.V)*resid_2 return np.linalg.solve(A,b)
def beta_cov(self): # Find the covariance matrix of beta return 2 * np.linalg.inv(, self.V)) def alpha_cov(self,beta): # Find the covariance matrix for alpha given beta D_inv=np.exp(*D_inv,self.X) return np.linalg.inv(precision)
[docs] def optimize_model(self): """Find the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the parameters and their sampling distribution. Returns ------- optim : :class:`dict` keys: MLEs ('alpha', fixed mean effects; 'beta', fixed variance effects), their standard errors ('alpha_se', 'beta_se'), covariance matrix for sampling distribution of parameter vectors ('beta_cov' and 'alpha_cov'), maximum likelihood ('likelihood'), whether optimisation was successful ('success'), """ # Get initial guess for beta beta_init = self.approx_beta_mle() # Optimize optimized = minimize(likelihood_beta, beta_init, args=(self.y, self.X, self.V), method='L-BFGS-B', jac=gradient_beta) if not optimized.success: print('Optimization unsuccessful.') # Get MLE beta_mle = optimized['x'] alpha = self.alpha_mle(beta_mle) # Get parameter covariance optim = {} optim['beta'] = optimized['x'] optim['alpha'] = self.alpha_mle(optim['beta']) optim['beta_cov'] = self.beta_cov() optim['beta_se'] = np.sqrt(np.diag(optim['beta_cov'])) optim['alpha_cov'] = self.alpha_cov(beta_mle) optim['alpha_se'] = np.sqrt(np.diag(optim['alpha_cov'])) optim['likelihood'] = -0.5 *self.n * (optimized['fun'] + np.log(2 * np.pi)) optim['success']=optimized.success return optim
##### Functions to pass to opimizer ###### def likelihood_beta(beta,*args): # Profile likelihood of hlm_model as a function of beta. To pass to L-BFGS-B y,X,V=args n=np.float(X.shape[0]) hlm_mod=model(y,X,V) alpha=hlm_mod.alpha_mle(beta) return hlm_mod.likelihood(beta,alpha,negative=True)/n def gradient_beta(beta, *args): # Gradient of profile likelihood with respect to beta (at the MLE of alpha). To pass to L-BFGS-B. y,X,V=args n = np.float(X.shape[0]) hlm_mod=model(y,X,V) alpha = hlm_mod.alpha_mle(beta) return hlm_mod.grad_beta(beta, alpha).reshape((hlm_mod.V.shape[1]))/n