Source code for hetlmm

import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b
from scipy.stats import zscore

from hlmm import hetlm

Module for defining heteroskedastic linear models, simulating heteroskedastic linear models,
and finding maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. 

Class: model

[docs]class model(object): """Define a heteroskedastic linear mixed model and calculate likelihood, gradients, and maximum likelihood estimates of parameters. Parameters ---------- y : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` 1D array of phenotype observations X : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` Design matrix for the fixed mean effects. V : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` Design matrix for the fixed variance effects. G : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` Design matrix for the random effects. Returns ------- model : :class:`hetlmm.model` heteroskedastic linear mixed model class with input data """ def __init__(self,y,X,V,G): # Get sample size self.n = X.shape[0] # Check shape of arrays if G.ndim == 2: self.l = G.shape[1] elif G.ndim == 1: self.l = 1 G = G.reshape((self.n, 1)) else: raise (ValueError('Incorrect dimension of Random Effects Design Matrix')) if V.ndim == 2: self.n_fixed_variance = V.shape[1] elif V.ndim == 1: self.n_fixed_variance = 1 V = V.reshape((self.n, 1)) else: raise (ValueError('Incorrect dimension of Variance Covariate Array')) if X.ndim == 2: self.n_fixed_mean = X.shape[1] elif X.ndim == 1: self.n_fixed_mean = 1 X = X.reshape((self.n, 1)) else: raise (ValueError('Incorrect dimension of Mean Covariate Array')) # phenotype if y.ndim>1: raise(ValueError('Incorrect dimension of phenotype array')) self.y = y # mean covariates self.X = X # variance covariates self.V = V # random effects design matrix self.G = G
[docs] def likelihood(self,beta,h2,negative=False): """ Compute the log of the profile likelihood, the likelihood at the maximum likelihood for the fixed mean effects Parameters ---------- beta : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed variance effects to compute likelihood for h2: :class:`float` value of variance explained by random effects to compute likelihood for negative : :class:`bool` compute -2*L/n-log(2*pi), where L is the log-likelihood, the function that is minimized to find the MLE. Default is False. Returns ------- L : :class:`float` log-likelihood of data given parameters. """ L = self.likelihood_and_gradient(beta,h2,return_grad=False) if not negative: L = -0.5*self.n*(L+np.log(2*np.pi)) return L
# Compute likelihood of data given beta, alpha
[docs] def likelihood_and_gradient(self,beta,h2,return_grad=True): """Compute the function that is minimized to find the MLE, LL=-2*L/n-log(2*pi), where L is the log of the profile likelihood, the likelihood at the maximum for the fixed mean effects. Further, compute the gradient with respect to the fixed variance effects and the variance of the random effects. This forms the basis of the function passed to L-BFGS-B in order to find the maximum likelihood parameter estimates. Parameters ---------- beta : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed variance effects to compute likelihood for h2: :class:`float` value of variance explained by random effects to compute likelihood for Returns ------- [LL,gradient] : :class:`list` the value of the function to be minimized, LL, and its gradient. The gradient is a 1d :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` that has the gradient with respect to beta first followed by the gradient with respect to h2. """ ## Calculate common variables # heteroscedasticity Vb =, beta) D_inv = np.exp(-Vb) # Low rank covariance G_scaled_T = self.G.T * D_inv G_scaled = G_scaled_T.T G_cov =, self.G) Lambda = np.identity(self.l, float) + h2 * G_cov Lambda = linalg.eigh(Lambda, overwrite_a=True, turbo=True) logdet_Lambda = np.sum(np.log(Lambda[0])) Lambda_inv = inv_from_eig(Lambda) ## Calculate MLE of fixed effects X_scaled = np.transpose(self.X.T * D_inv) alpha = alpha_mle_inner(h2, X_scaled, self.X, self.y, G_scaled, self.G, Lambda_inv) ## Residuals if self.n_fixed_mean > 1: resid = self.y -, alpha) else: yhat = self.X * alpha yhat = yhat.reshape(self.y.shape) resid = self.y - yhat ## Squared residuals resid_square = np.square(resid) rnd_resid =, resid) Lambda_inv_rnd_resid =, rnd_resid) ### Calculate likelihood L = np.sum(Vb) + np.sum(resid_square * D_inv) + logdet_Lambda - h2 *, Lambda_inv_rnd_resid) if return_grad: ### Calculate gradient grad = np.zeros((self.n_fixed_variance+1)) # Calculate gradient with respect to beta k = var_weight(h2, resid, self.G, Lambda_inv, Lambda_inv_rnd_resid) n1t = np.ones((self.n)).reshape((1, self.n)) grad[0:self.n_fixed_variance] =, np.transpose(np.transpose(self.V) * (1 - k * D_inv))) # Calculate gradient with respect to h2 grad[self.n_fixed_variance] = grad_h2_inner(Lambda_inv, G_cov, Lambda_inv_rnd_resid) return L/np.float64(self.n), grad/np.float64(self.n) else: return L/np.float64(self.n)
# OLS solution for alpha
[docs] def alpha_ols(self): """Compute the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimate of the fixed mean effect parameters Returns ------- alpha : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` ordinary least-squares estimate of alpha """ # Get initial guess for alpha return np.linalg.solve(, self.X),, self.y))
# Compute MLE of alpha given beta
[docs] def alpha_mle(self,beta,h2): """Compute the maximum likelihood estimate of the fixed mean effect parameters, given particular fixed variance effect parameters and variance of random effects Parameters ---------- beta : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed variance effects h2: :class:`float` value of variance explained by random effects to compute likelihood for Returns ------- alpha : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` maximum likelihood estimate of alpha given beta and h2 """ ## Calculate common variables # heteroscedasticity Vb =, beta) D_inv = np.exp(-Vb) # Low rank covariance G_scaled = np.transpose(self.G.T * D_inv) G_cov =, G_scaled) Lambda = np.identity(self.l, float) + h2 * G_cov Lambda_inv = linalg.inv(Lambda) ## Calculate MLE of fixed effects X_scaled = np.transpose(self.X.T * D_inv) return alpha_mle_inner(h2, X_scaled, self.X, self.y, G_scaled, self.G, Lambda_inv)
[docs] def optimize_model(self,h2,SEs=True,dx=10**(-6)): """Find the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the parameters and their sampling distribution. Parameters ---------- h2 : :class:`float` initial value of variance explained by random effects SEs : :class:`bool` whether to compute sampling distribution of parameter estimates. Default is True. dx : :class:`float` the step size used to compute the Hessian for the computing the parameter sampling distribution Returns ------- optim : :class:`dict` keys: MLEs ('alpha', fixed mean effects; 'beta', fixed variance effects; 'h2', variance explained by random effects), their standard errors ('alpha_se', 'beta_se', 'h2_se'), covariance matrix for sampling distribution of parameter vector ('par_cov', in order: alpha, beta, h2), maximum likelihood ('likelihood'), whether optimisation was successful ('success'), warnings from L-BFGS-B optimisation ('warnflag'). """ # Initialise parameters init_params=np.zeros((self.n_fixed_variance+1)) init_params[self.n_fixed_variance]=h2 # Get initial guess for beta init_params[0:self.n_fixed_variance] = hetlm.model(self.y, self.X, self.V).optimize_model()['beta'] ## Set parameter boundaries # boundaries for beta parbounds = [(None,None) for i in xrange(0,self.n_fixed_variance)] # boundaries for h2 parbounds.append((0.00001, None)) # Optimize optimized = fmin_l_bfgs_b(func=lik_and_grad_var_pars,x0=init_params, args=(self.y, self.X, self.V, self.G), bounds=parbounds) # Get MLE optim = {} optim['success']=True optim['warnflag'] = optimized[2]['warnflag'] if optim['warnflag']!=0: print('Optimization unsuccessful.') optim['success']=False optim['beta'] = optimized[0][0:self.n_fixed_variance] optim['h2'] = optimized[0][self.n_fixed_variance] optim['alpha'] = self.alpha_mle(optim['beta'],optim['h2']) # Get parameter covariance optim['likelihood'] = -0.5*np.float64(self.n)*(optimized[1]+np.log(2*np.pi)) # Compute parameter covariance if SEs: optim['par_cov'] = self.parameter_covariance(optim['alpha'],optim['beta'],optim['h2'],dx) par_se = np.sqrt(np.diag(optim['par_cov'] )) optim['alpha_se'] = par_se[0:self.n_fixed_mean] optim['beta_se'] = par_se[self.n_fixed_mean:(self.n_fixed_variance+self.n_fixed_mean)] optim['h2_se']=par_se[self.n_fixed_mean+self.n_fixed_variance] return optim
# Calculate covariance and SEs of parameters at the MLE def parameter_covariance(self,alpha,beta,h2,dx=10**(-6)): ## Compute parameter covariance at maximum likelihood by numerical differentiation of gradients. Called from 'optimize_model'. # Calculate intermediate variables resid = (self.y - # Residual Error D_inv = np.exp( G_scaled_T = (self.G.T) * D_inv G_cov = # Random Effect Lambda = np.identity(self.l, float) + h2 * Lambda_inv = linalg.inv(Lambda, overwrite_a=True, check_finite=False) # Components of alpha gradient calculation X_scaled = np.transpose((self.X.T) * D_inv) X_grad_alpha = X_scaled - h2 *, Lambda_inv), # Form Hessian matrix n_pars=self.n_fixed_mean+self.n_fixed_variance+1 H = np.zeros((n_pars, n_pars)) # Calculate alpha components of hessian for p in xrange(0, self.n_fixed_mean): # Calculate change in alpha gradient d = np.identity(self.n_fixed_mean)*dx resid_upper = (self.y - + d[p,:])) resid_lower = (self.y - - d[p,:])) H[0:self.n_fixed_mean, p] = (grad_alpha(resid_upper, X_grad_alpha) - grad_alpha(resid_lower, X_grad_alpha)) / ( 2.0 * dx) # Calculate change in beta gradient H[self.n_fixed_mean:(n_pars - 1), p] = (grad_beta(h2, self.G, G_scaled_T, self.V, D_inv, resid_upper, Lambda_inv) - grad_beta(h2, self.G, G_scaled_T, self.V, D_inv, resid_lower, Lambda_inv)) / (2.0 * dx) H[p, self.n_fixed_mean:(n_pars - 1)] = H[self.n_fixed_mean:(self.n_fixed_mean + self.n_fixed_variance), p] # Calculate change in h2 gradient H[n_pars - 1, p] = (grad_h2_parcov(G_scaled_T, G_cov, resid_upper, Lambda_inv) - grad_h2_parcov(G_scaled_T, G_cov, resid_lower, Lambda_inv)) / (2.0 * dx) H[p, n_pars - 1] = H[n_pars - 1, p] # Calculate beta components of Hessian for p in xrange(self.n_fixed_mean, n_pars - 1): d = np.identity(self.n_fixed_variance) * dx # Changed matrices D_inv_upper = np.exp( + d[p-self.n_fixed_mean,:])) D_inv_lower = np.exp( - d[p-self.n_fixed_mean,:])) G_scaled_T_upper = (self.G.T) * D_inv_upper G_scaled_T_lower = (self.G.T) * D_inv_lower G_cov_upper =, self.G) G_cov_lower =, self.G) Lambda_inv_upper = linalg.inv(np.identity(self.l, float) + h2 * G_cov_upper, overwrite_a=True, check_finite=False) Lambda_inv_lower = linalg.inv(np.identity(self.l, float) + h2 * G_cov_lower, overwrite_a=True, check_finite=False) # Change in beta gradient H[self.n_fixed_mean:(n_pars - 1), p] = (grad_beta(h2, self.G, G_scaled_T_upper, self.V, D_inv_upper, resid, Lambda_inv_upper) - grad_beta(h2, self.G, G_scaled_T_lower, self.V, D_inv_lower, resid, Lambda_inv_lower)) / (2.0 * dx) # Change in h2 gradient H[n_pars - 1, p] = (grad_h2_parcov(G_scaled_T_upper, G_cov_upper, resid, Lambda_inv_upper) - grad_h2_parcov( G_scaled_T_lower, G_cov_lower, resid, Lambda_inv_lower)) / (2.0 * dx) H[p, n_pars - 1] = H[n_pars - 1, p] # Calculate h2 components of the Hessian Lambda_inv_upper = linalg.inv(np.identity(self.l, float) + (h2 + dx) * G_cov, overwrite_a=True, check_finite=False) Lambda_inv_lower = linalg.inv(np.identity(self.l, float) + (h2 - dx) * G_cov, overwrite_a=True, check_finite=False) H[n_pars - 1, n_pars - 1] = (grad_h2_parcov(G_scaled_T, G_cov, resid, Lambda_inv_upper) - grad_h2_parcov(G_scaled_T, G_cov, resid, Lambda_inv_lower)) / ( 2.0 * dx) par_cov = linalg.inv(0.5 * H, overwrite_a=True, check_finite=False) return par_cov
[docs]def simulate(n,l,alpha,beta,h2): """Simulate from a heteroskedastic linear mixed model given a set of parameters. This uses a singular value decomposition to do the simulation quickly when l<<n. The function simulates fixed and random effects design matrices of specified dimensions with independent Gaussian entries. Parameters ---------- n : :class:`int` sample size l : :class:`int` number of random effects alpha : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed mean effects beta : :class:`~numpy:numpy.array` value of fixed variance effects h2 : :class:`float` value of variance explained by random effects Returns ------- model : :class:`hetlmm.model` heteroskedastic linear mixed model with data simulated from given parameters """ if (l>n): print('Simulation slow for l>n') c = alpha.shape[0] v = beta.shape[0] X = np.random.randn((n * c)).reshape((n, c)) V = np.random.randn((n * v)).reshape((n, v)) G = zscore(np.random.binomial(2,0.5,(n,l)),axis=0)*np.power(l,-0.5) G_svd = np.linalg.svd(G,full_matrices=False) y = np.sqrt(h2)*G_svd[0].dot(np.random.randn((l))*G_svd[1])+np.random.randn((n))*np.exp( return model(y,X,V,G)
def lik_and_grad_var_pars(pars,*args): # Wrapper for function to pass to L-BFGS-B y, X, V, G = args hlmm_mod = model(y,X,V,G) return hlmm_mod.likelihood_and_gradient(pars[0:hlmm_mod.n_fixed_variance],pars[hlmm_mod.n_fixed_variance]) # Only for positive semi-definite matrix def inv_from_eig(eig): # Compute matrix inverse from eigendecomposition U_scaled=eig[1]*np.power(eig[0],-0.5) return,U_scaled.T) def alpha_mle_inner(h2,X_scaled,X,y,Z_scaled,Z,Lambda_inv): # Compute the maximum likelihood estimate of the fixed mean effects from intermediate variables in likelihood_and_gradient XtD=np.transpose(X_scaled),Z),Lambda_inv),np.transpose(XtDZ)),X) # Matrix multiplying alpha hat A=X_cov-h2*X_cov_Z # RHS,y),y),Z_cov_y) b=X_cov_y-h2*X_cov_Z_cov_y if len(X.shape)==1: alpha=b/A else: alpha=linalg.solve(A,b) return alpha ####### Functions for efficient gradient computation ######## def var_weight(h2,resid,G,Lambda_inv,Lambda_inv_rnd_resid): # Compute the the weights needed for computation of the gradient with respect to beta cov_diagonal=( * G).sum(-1) # Compute weights coming from inner product in low rank space k=np.square(resid)+h2*cov_diagonal+h2*a*(h2*a-2*resid) return k def grad_beta(h2,G,G_scaled_T,V,D_inv,resid,Lambda_inv): # Compute gradient with respect to variance of random effects from intermediate variables in parameter_covariance n=V.shape[0] # Low rank covariance,resid),rnd_resid) ### Calculate likelihood # Get k variance weights k=var_weight(h2,resid,G,Lambda_inv,Lambda_inv_rnd_resid) n1t=np.ones((n)).reshape((1,n)) return,np.transpose(np.transpose(V)*(1-k*D_inv))) def grad_h2_inner(Lambda_inv,Z_cov,Lambda_inv_rnd_resid): # Compute gradient with respect to variance of random effects from intermediate variables in likelihood_and_gradient dl=0 # Calculate trace dl+=np.sum(Lambda_inv*Z_cov) # Calculate inner product dl+=-np.sum(np.square(Lambda_inv_rnd_resid)) return dl ####### Functions for efficient computation of parameter covariance ######## def grad_h2_parcov(G_scaled_T,G_cov,resid,Lambda_inv): # Compute gradient with respect to variance of random effects from intermediate variables in parameter_covariance return grad_h2_inner(Lambda_inv,G_cov,Lambda_inv_rnd_resid) def grad_alpha(resid,X_grad_alpha): # Compute gradient with respect to alpha from intermediate variables in parameter_covariance return -2*,X_grad_alpha)